It all started with this place called La Santanera. Daniel excitedly mentioned one day in November that he may have a DJ gig at this bar La Santanera owned by someone he knows here in DC, and this bar happened to be located in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. He said they'd pay for two tickets and could set us up at someone's condo, and he asked if I'd be down to go ("um, yes please"). His gig would be on Friday December 12th, and he made all the arrangements with the people down there.
This was strange for me, as I'm always the travel planner and arranger...but it was delightful not to worry about it. The only thing I semi-worried about was all the travel I was doing that December: a wedding in Chicago the first weekend, Mexico the next weekend, Philly for Christmas, then departing for Liberia (!) December 28th. It was a bit overwhelming but completely awesome.
So, early that Friday morning we boarded a flight to Cancun, and I listened to a few Spanish lessons I'd downloaded to my iPod (sadly, my knowledge of Spanish is limited to the names of my favorite Mexican foods, beers and tequilas and what little Spanish I picked up while nannying for a little girl who loved Dora the Explorer). Arriving in Cancun, we boarded the bus to Playa where our condo contact, Jay (this blonde Minnesotan who relocated to Playa to take advantage of the growing real estate market), showed us our place which coincidentally had been upgraded due to their mistake in doublebooking our original spot. Stepping into this penthouse condo, my jaw literally dropped to the gorgeous tile floor. It was a lofted penthouse with three bedrooms, three baths, a spacious kitchen and dining room, a jacuzzi, and a freaking ROOFTOP POOL and patio. Whaat???
So, early that Friday morning we boarded a flight to Cancun, and I listened to a few Spanish lessons I'd downloaded to my iPod (sadly, my knowledge of Spanish is limited to the names of my favorite Mexican foods, beers and tequilas and what little Spanish I picked up while nannying for a little girl who loved Dora the Explorer). Arriving in Cancun, we boarded the bus to Playa where our condo contact, Jay (this blonde Minnesotan who relocated to Playa to take advantage of the growing real estate market), showed us our place which coincidentally had been upgraded due to their mistake in doublebooking our original spot. Stepping into this penthouse condo, my jaw literally dropped to the gorgeous tile floor. It was a lofted penthouse with three bedrooms, three baths, a spacious kitchen and dining room, a jacuzzi, and a freaking ROOFTOP POOL and patio. Whaat???
Dumbfounded as we were, we were also starving, so we walked down the street to find something to eat. We happened upon this cute Argentinian place and got a table for two:
So, here we are, margaritas (con sal) in hand, hanging out in Playa del Carmen, staying at an immaculate condo...I'm slightly suspicious. It went like this: "So, Daniel - 'fess up. How much is your DJ gig actually covering?" Daniel replies, "Um...there is no gig...(yadda yadda yadda)...I brought you down here to ask you to marry me. Should I get down on one knee?" I laugh; I cry; people look at us like we're crazy; and we're engaged! Wahoo!!! We ask our confused server to take our photo and eventually he obliges. Check. It. Out.
As it turns out, Daniel worked with a Brooklyn jewelry designer to design the ring (which is perfect, if you ask me), and he called my Dad the night before we left for Mexico to ask for permission. Apparently, my Dad didn't say anything right away because he was jumping up and down and overcome with emotion...I love my Dad.
So, Daniel didn't have to DJ at all that weekend, so we celebrated, relaxed, hung out on the beach, and celebrated some more. It was an AMAZING weekend, and Daniel was the mastermind behind it all. I am one lucky girl. A few more photos:
Fusion Cafe and Hotel where we spent lots of time:
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